We provide professional Cloud internet system, set up anti-money laundering policy documentation, and arrange Compliance and/or Money Laundering Reporting Officers.
Anti‐Money Laundering and Counter‐Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance, Chapter 615, has became effective from 1 April 2012. Under this regulation, any person who operates or wishes to operate a money service, he or she is required to apply for a MSO licence. The HK Customs & Excise Department is the authority for issuing the MSO licence, regulate the money service operators, and monitor the compliance of the relevant laws and regulations. We provide professional comprehensive services tailor-made for your business. Our service will help your Company to set up an effective money service operator system. We have assisted more than 50 money changers in Hong Kong to obtain the MSO licence. In addition, over 40 money changers are currently using our HKMSOS system!
We are in full support of the implementation of Ch. 615
We provide comprehensive supports to money changers with the compliance of the relevant regulations: From providing a money changer system delegated to meet the requirements of the HK Customs, providing internal compliance handbook, assisting the Compliance / Money Laundering Reporting officers, staff training, due diligence, customer background check, to risk management.